What is Sweeter than Tupelo Honey?
Posted by Billy Joe Smiley on
What is Sweeter than Tupelo Honey?
The locals would say, “Nothing”! Gulf County is best known for our beautiful beaches, the dead lakes, and TUPELO HONEY. This sweet liquid gold is harvested in the spring of every year. The honey bees gather their sweet nectar from white tupelo trees that bloom along the Apalachicola and Chipola River basins in Gulf County. Our county is host to the largest concentration of white tupelo trees in the world making our area one of the best places to enjoy Tupelo Honey.
Tupelo honey was highlighted in the 1997 Award-Winning movie Ulee’s Gold. The movie was filmed in Wewahitchka and starred Peter Fonda, Patricia Henderson, and Jessica Biel. It centered around Ulee, a Florida beekeeper, raising his family in a…
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